
With the approval of the Ministry, our second project namely “Promoting the Development of International Competitiveness” – PDIC (URGE) project started in 2018 with 13 companies that are members of the Aerospace Cluster Association (ACA) Until 2019, AS 9100 D. Informing Requirements Trainings, AS 9100 D Internal Auditor Trainings and Project Management Trainings were provided within the scope of the project. In 2020, in line with the needs of the companies, 2 more trainings were organized, ERP Awareness and Process Management and Innovation Management and completed. A Virtual Marketplace in support of Export and networking activities are ongoing and new Consultancy Services are planned. The project will continue until May 2021.
Click for detailed information about the PDIC (URGE) Project.

Our association, as a new international project work, has been a partner to another European Union ERASMUS + project, whose project name is SKY 4.0 and has project partners from Poland, Spain and Portugal. Project started in 2018 and within the scope of this project, the necessary competencies (Soft Skills) are provided in line with the changing industrial requirements to evaluate good examples and to create new competency sets that can benefit our companies in the light of the information obtained.
The General Purpose of the Project: To create the “Industry 4.0 skill set for Aerospace” in order to make the existing training programs in educational institutions (vocational, technical and academic) capable of changing and adapting them in line with the future needs of the companies. In this way, through our project, a better harmony between education and industry in the aviation industry is aimed.
Click for detailed information